
Tsjaz in Minneapolis (consumer of popular culture) tries to be of service to others, posting with reasonable regularity, although to be honest, he'd prefer laying on the couch and sleeping to describing the excruciating minutiae of his life to you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Cuddly Twins 

I haven't been watching Twins games all summer. I've been to a few at Target Field, and although I've lost track of what the team's been doing for days at a time, I've watched a lot of the games this season.

In the current era of success for the Twins, starting in 2002, they've developed a habit of regular season success followed by postseason run droughts. As a fan of a baseball team, this is preferable to me than to have a World Series season followed by lots of suckitude. Maybe a Marlins fan would differ here, but I find the regular season lots of fun. Much more so if your team is good. So I've gotten season after season of meaningful baseball this decade, even if the team has fallen short in October.

This team is different, though. Here's the first Twins team since 2002 where the batting lineup contains no weak links. When the Twins would face the Yankees in the postseason, a Twins lead was, from a standpoint of my anxiety, no better and perhaps worse than if the Twins were behind, because any single Yankees batter could go yard at any time. When Melky Cabrera is batting 9th in 2009 or Matsui batting 7th in 2003, the Yankee order is deep. Meanwhile, we had Mientkiewicz batting 3rd in 2003.

This year, when the Twins field their best team like they did in Chicago, JJ Hardy was batting 9th. No slouch. This year, the Twins have some power threats. If the pitching hangs on to consistency, it could be a successful postseason for the first time in a few years. And the Target Field temperatures will get lower and lower.


I concur that it is better to make the playoffs every year and lose than to win and be horrible later. I enjoy "hope."

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