
Tsjaz in Minneapolis (consumer of popular culture) tries to be of service to others, posting with reasonable regularity, although to be honest, he'd prefer laying on the couch and sleeping to describing the excruciating minutiae of his life to you.

Friday, September 03, 2010

my bicycle 

Also, I got a bike this summer. I rode it like a madman all summer and wondered why I hadn't had a good working bike in so long. One reason was that I was doing PCA work and you can't cart a PCA client around on a bike. And then I just got into that habit of driving and didn't think about how much I could be using a bike.

I had a class at the U and wondered exactly how I was going to park there. I thought I ought to take the bus, but bus service in the Cities is not awesome. Oh, wait. I'll just bike. I even did a practice run because I hadn't had my bike for long. I discovered that I could get to campus in less than 20 minutes, which is probably about the same time it would take to drive and less time than the bus.

I commuted every day to class and did some recreational rides, too. I haven't ridden to my job in Brooklyn Park or the training I had in Maple Grove. I don't want to spend 3 hours riding every day, and there's no buses that go to BP in the morning. When I tried to find a bike/bus combo on the metro transit site, they told me to leave Monday afternoon to get to school Tuesday morning.

I started bike shopping with only the vaguest idea of what I wanted, then I figured out with the help of friends that I wanted a single speed. At first, I was skeptical because only insane or intense bikers ride single speeds. Except then I remembered that I had a single speed when I was 8, and I wasn't a particularly intense cyclist back then. There's been only one time, on the hill next to the Walker Art Center open space, that I've had to get off and walk. Otherwise, I work hard on the few hills I do come across, and most of the biking in the Cities can be easy.


I have not been impressed with the Metro Transit Trip Planner. I have taken bus trips twice in the past two months, and I was able to significantly improve upon both of the suggested trips. I did this all using my rudimentary knowledge of the bus system from over a decade ago and just a bit of poking around on their website.

If you do a little research, you might be able to find a good trip.

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