
Tsjaz in Minneapolis (consumer of popular culture) tries to be of service to others, posting with reasonable regularity, although to be honest, he'd prefer laying on the couch and sleeping to describing the excruciating minutiae of his life to you.

Friday, August 13, 2004

"Victory is worth nothing unless you have people you love to share it with, 'cause then you're a winner." This is the final line in Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Movie, which features such vocabulary as "stratagem" and "conundrum." This is the most positive thing I have to say about the movie. It was torture. Yugi's monster fused, and now it has infinite strength! Come on. Infinite? Get out. It occurred to me during the movie that it would be a good one to make your own soundtrack to. Previews: Superbabies, featuring toddlers with superhero personas and Job Voight defaming himself, looks worse than Yugioh. Please note Scott Baio's involvement. Please note that Scott Baio is fortysomething. The Lemony Snicket movie looks awesome, and I can't wait to see it. The trailer shows some of what they've done with the books, and I was impressed. Say what you will about Jim Carrey, but he looks perfect for the role of Count Olaf, the villian of many disguises.

The same guy who I entertained in the pool likes it when you pretend to make phone calls to his dad, the cops, Santa ("take the presents back to the store, Santa. Daniel's getting a bag of coal this year."). New this year is "How does it go when you call Incubus?" So I pretend to call Incubus to get them to rescue the people on the beleaguered boat. The girl I was working with makes slightly inappropriate comments like, "should I write sex on my jeans?," "Should i as-k-o-u-t that boy?," and then asks "Is that funny?" She also is teaching herself Spanish words, so she asks "do you know what la cama means?" "The bed?" "Do you know why I learned that word?" Other words in Spanish she associates with boy-girl "relations" are (in English) mouth, basement, and porch, because that's where you sit with a boy.

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