
Tsjaz in Minneapolis (consumer of popular culture) tries to be of service to others, posting with reasonable regularity, although to be honest, he'd prefer laying on the couch and sleeping to describing the excruciating minutiae of his life to you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I feel like I should acknowledge the VT shootings, but I have nothing to add. They were horrible, and so is a lot of other stuff going on in the world.

I watched "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" last night. I thought it was entertaining and well done. The MPAA rating system might not be the most critical broken thing in this country, but they're all different facets of the same problem, that a few people get some power and then shape the system to make it easier for them to hold onto that power. Corrupt. Anyway, the movie was well-done. They had interviews with directors and actual footage from their movies illustrating their points. It was effective. Also, John Waters is supremely entertaining.

I finished reading Special Topics in Calamity Physics. A student (from Virginia) lent it to me. I enjoyed it a lot. It's part mystery, and I was 80% satisfied with how the mystery wrapped up. The mystery part isn't the biggest part, though, and the main characters (Blue, Hannah, Jade, Dad) are excellent. Still haven't finished The Brothers Karamazov. It's going on 6 months.

As far as work goes, I'm coasting to the end of the year at this point, and really skirting my line when it comes to teasing kids. It's more fun for me that way.

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