
Tsjaz in Minneapolis (consumer of popular culture) tries to be of service to others, posting with reasonable regularity, although to be honest, he'd prefer laying on the couch and sleeping to describing the excruciating minutiae of his life to you.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dirty Water 

Boston was fun. It was the first family vacation we'd been on probably since before I was in high school, because sports/band took up all possible vacation time once that started. Many photo opportunities arose as well as many chances to attempt to imitate or make up one's own Boston accent.

I'm not sure what to say about the trip. I had a nice time. Dirk and Skye did a good enough job hosting that I might have tipped them generously if that wouldn't have been weird. I kept waiting for the floodgates to open in the family dynamic, but they haven't yet. It's a long process with stoic introverted Norwegians like myself.

We walked about 300 miles around the city, spent a total of 96.2 hours aboard planes, ferries, and other public transportation (if you include zipcars). It was my third trip to Boston, and the longest visit I've had. I had never whale watched before, where we saw four humpback whales. I had never been to Salem, where I met a former student and learned that the dungeon where they kept the accused witches was destroyed in the 50's for office space. I had never been to Martha's Vineyard, where we would have had the sibling sit-down if we hadn't inadvertently ended up in the island's only dry community.

We saw the Simpsons movie again after racing through Indian food. The feeling I have right now is that I wish I were spending another night in Boston, just sitting with everyone instead of getting ready to leave town again.

This was a post without many details. I know that and pre-empt your criticism. I'll remember my phone charger for the Carolinas so I can twitter while I'm there.

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