
Tsjaz in Minneapolis (consumer of popular culture) tries to be of service to others, posting with reasonable regularity, although to be honest, he'd prefer laying on the couch and sleeping to describing the excruciating minutiae of his life to you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sharing my gift for putting a finger on human nature, as always 

I planted the backyard garden around July 23. Since then, it's barely rained here. This is frustrating for two reasons: 1) The transplants need water to survive B) IT'S A RAINGARDEN

I really like the TV show Bob's Burgers. I get the sense that it's really, really close to cancellation, but I'll enjoy it while I can. The voices are tremendous, just a murderer's row of voice talent.

Last night at the outdoor Oktoberfest event at the Herkimer, Amy remarked on how smoky it was, even though it was outdoors. We've become so accustomed to smoke free indoor places that it's very noticeable when anyone is smoking anywhere. I know a number of smokers, but I still don't get smoking. I get being addicted to the nicotine, but I don't get public smokers. Whatever inconsiderate thing I do that I haven't thought about, I don't think it's putting carcinogens into the bodies of other people. Going back to the state  fair, there were plenty of people who were smoking in the throngs. I feel like many smokers would/could wait until they were in an area where there weren't many nonsmokers to have a smoke, but the State Fair clientele has many of the people who don't really think about that. There's a difference, though, between the rude State Fair smokers and the rude Herkimer smokers. While the State Fair smokers are unrefined, the Herkimer ones are self-absorbed.

Reading the first Game of Thrones book and enjoying it tremendously. No one will get this: Now, wait...is he trying to tell us that Valyrian steel is high quality?

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